Monday 7 January 2013

NetSpeedMonitor (32 bit) - A lightweight Network Monitoring Toolbar at No Cost

NetSpeedMonitor is a small monitoring tool designed to be used on computers that run Windows XP, Vista, or Server 2003. It monitors a selected network interface and shows the current Up- and Downstream (bytes send and received per unit of time) in the Windows Taskbar. The whole configuration of NetSpeedMonitor can be adjusted over the context menu of the Windows Toolbar which guarantees a fast and better switch between  network interfaces and data transfer rates, Now there is no more Version check issues.

NetSpeedMonitor (32 bit)

What's New in
1. Fixed: Minor bugs
2. Fixed: Version Check issues
3. Added: Ability to kill a running process
4. Fixed: Installation issues with multiple users
5. Added: Ability to copy process name to clipboard

Quick Access Toolbar
Apart from providing quick access to the Traffic Reports and the Connection Table, the Toolbars menu also provides shortcuts to often used Windows features.
Daily and Monthly Traffic Reports
The amount of data transferred each day, month, and year can be saved in a SQLite Database. SQLite is the most widely deployed Open Source SQL database engine in the world and requires not additional setup.
Connection Table with all TCP/UDP endpoints
NetSpeedMonitor will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. It also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint.
Fully Customizable with Multilingual User Interfaces
NetSpeedMonitor is fully customizable to meet your needs and available in several languages including English, German, Spanish, Italian, Javanese Russian, Japanese, French, Dutch, Chittagonian, Chinese, Greek, Czech and many more.

NetSpeedMonitor (32 bit)

In addition to the Connection Table with all TCP/UDP endpoints and the Toolbar Tooltip with a quick and short traffic overview, you can also see detailed daily and monthly Traffic Statistics. NetSpeedMonitor will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. In addition, NetSpeedMonitor application will display the process which owns the endpoint.

How to download??
1. Click on download now
2. Wait for few seconds and then click on
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